With the increase in virtual and remote workforce, access to critical data are need for more stakeholders who are geographically distributed. This makes it difficult and risky to not apply additional layer of control to secure access to the sensitive data.
How can DASE make it more efficient for users to get access to data? DASE applies zero trust principle to control access dynamically on each data access request. DASE can automate controls to protect data using a dynamic authorization policy engine, therefore simplify and streamline risk assessment process. As the result, organizations will be able to embrace automation to scale, reduce errors, and allow business to handle high volume of data access request while meeting ever-changing business requirements. With this, critical information can be shared, and secure collaboration can be established between employees and external partners, increasing competitive agility.
Ultimately, as organizations pivot to the multi-cloud, SASE would need to extend beyond securing access to network environments to protect applications and data in a hybrid and multi cloud computing environments as well.
This is where I think SASE needs to go, do you agree? If not, what is your definition of SASE 2.0? How do you see SASE evolve to secure access to data? Here is the version 1.0 of the DASE paper, we welcome your contribution and feedback to the version 2.0 of this paper.
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